If it ever happens that your high-quality TEXPORT functional clothing gets damaged during the hard daily work, no problem: We will gladly repair it, that is part of our professional TEXPORT repair service.
Missions expose your protective clothing to extreme stress and dirt. An outstanding cleaning concept with the correct methods and materials is needed to extend the service life of your clothing and to guarantee sustainable conformity to standards. TEXPORT Clean & Care® is precisely this kind of concept. TEXPORT worked painstakingly for 18 months to develop Clean & Care®, the ideal cleaning concept tailored precisely to fulfil the special requirements of your high-quality protective clothing, to prevent substandard care, and to set new standards in logistics services.
TEXPORT has developed the Clean & Care® system to give your clothing precisely the care it needs. The impregnation is also docu-mented and renewed as required during the washing cycle.
All the services in Module 1. The cleaned clothing will also be inspected and, if any damage is identified, a recommendation for necessary repairs issued if the fire department has its own repair centre.
Do you have any questions? Our service team is happy to support you.